Continuing learning education credits
The 2023 International Peace Conference is thrilled to provide continuing learning education credit for nurses, lawyers, and social workers who attend the conference. The purchase of a CLE Credit ticket for the conference will gain participants entry into the opening reception, all general sessions, and all breakout sessions.
The 2023 International Peace Conference is approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing, ABNP0001, expiration March 18, 2025, for 16.6 total contact hours of nursing
continuing education (CE) contact hours are as follows:
Day One sessions on May 5, 2023, are eligible for 8.6 contact hours
Day Two sessions on May 6, 2023, are eligible for 8.0 contact hours
Alabama-licensed nurses should not upload anything into their Individual CE Record.
To claim CE credit:
to sessions as required by conference planners
Submit your name, license number, and state of licensure to anrc@abn.alabama.gov
Alabama licensed nurses will have contact hours entered by ABN staff
Non-Alabama licensed nurses will receive a certificate
Please allow at least one week for processing.
Longer times may occur due to the number of attendees requesting CE.
For questions, contact ABN's Nursing Professional Development Director:
LaDonna Patton, MSN, RN, CEN, FRE

The following course(s) sponsored by Building Peace Inc. have/has been accredited for continuing legal education in Alabama on 03/21/2023. Please note that CLE Credits are the total number of hours approved for the seminar, including the Ethic hour(s). Please be sure to read the instructions to ensure compliance with the Alabama State Bar Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Rules and Regulations and to ensure attorneys receive proper credit for their attendance.
Course Title: International Peace Conference
Class ID: 291507
Start Date: 05/04/2023
Location: Birmingham, AL
Ethics Credits: 0.0
Total CLE Credits (including ethics if ethics granted on line above): 11.8
Delivery Method: Live Onsite
If you have any questions, please contact the CLE office, at P. O. Box 671/Montgomery, AL 36101 or
by phone at (334) 269-1515.

Social Worker​
The following course(s) for the IPC, sponsored through Continuing Education Resources INC. (CER), an approved provider (Assigned Provide #0725 ) by the Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners, is approved for:
Eligible CE hours available for up to 17 Hours:
Day 1 sessions May 5, 2023 are eligible for up to 9 Hours
Day 2 sessions May 6 2023 are eligible for up to 8 Hours
To claim CE Credit:
Be sure to Sign-in to each session
CER Inc. will be responsible for submitting hours/ credits to the State.
Please allow at least one week for processing, longer times may occur due to the number of attendees requesting.
For questions, contact Continuing Education Resources, Education Director,
Donna Smiley, donna@ceresourcesinc.com or (877)-710-7117.

Alabama educators may request professional development credit by contacting the Central Office. The annual renewal requirements are under revision and the temporary renewal requirements are extended until 2024.
For more information, click here.